CALL Café |
Open to members, guests and the public! During the five year potato famine in the 1800’s in Ireland, the population of the small Island fell by 25 per cent due to hunger and emigration, which was predominantly to the Americas. They mostly settled on the east side of what is now Canada and the United States though a large number travelled west and found their way to what was then a frontier town called Calgary. Many of those who finally finally settled in Calgary Left their marks on a new small town. This is the story of a number of these great pioneers. Presenter: Martin Cowman was born and raised in Dublin. After emigrating to Canada he was widely employed in the field of Housing and Development. Much admired for his volunteer activity he has been nominated as Calgary's Volunteer of the Year. His volunteer experience includes being president of several organizations including the Calgary Food Bank, his local Block Watch organization and, repeatedly, the Irish Cultural Society. In his retirement, Martin has enrolled, with full academic demand, at the University of Calgary studying European and Pre-Confederation History of Canada.
To contact us, please email CALL Café Team Save the dates for 2024/25: September 9, October 21, November 18, December 16, 2024; January 20, February 18, March 17, April 14, May 20, June 16, 2025 Parking information click here
2023 |