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Sixty years ago a wonderful organization slowly developed in Calgary.  Operation Eyesight began to support a program that brought medical assistance to  people in South Asia.  Now, through the prevention of blindness and restoration of sight, this international organization changes the lives of thousands of people on an ongoing basis.   OEU has a major impact in many countries around the world.    From India to Ethiopia, from Ghana to Nepal, the work of Operation Eyesight Universal is assisting men, women and children to improve not only their sight but their lives.

Join Elizabeth Roden, Director of Marketing and Communications at Operation Eyesight, for a special film presentation that will take you on a journey across the globe, from Operation Eyesight’s humble beginnings in 1963 to where its global community is transforming lives today through the Gift of Sight. There will be a Q&A session immediately following the film. For more information, visit

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