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Health and Wellness speaker series by Calgary Association of Lifelong Learners. Public welcome $5. "Stay informed and proactive about your health and well-being"; grassy landscape with trees and blue sky

**Members of the public are welcome to attend (at a cost of $5 at the door).  Registration is not required.

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Embracing Growing Older and Enhancing Mental Well-Being

Speaker's Bio:

Dr. Rose Joudi (Ph.D. Psych.) is an aging and ethnic diversity researcher, consultant, and international speaker on elder abuse and ageism. She was the Research Lead on an ethnocultural elder abuse awareness project with Carya (Calgary, AB), and is currently the Project Manager for The Way In Network (TWIN) at Carya. Additionally, Dr. Joudi is a current board member of both the Alberta Association on Gerontology (AAG) and the Alberta Council on Aging (ACA), and serves as an advisor for the Ministry of Seniors, Community, and Social Services in Alberta, Canada.

When:Monday, February 10 
Time:1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Where:Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church
 4612 Varsity Drive NW
Speaker: Dr. Rose Joudi
Facilitator: Sandi Churchill

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