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Board of Directors

Strategic planning, program coordination, policy setting, and general oversight are the responsibility of CALL’s Board of Directors and its committees.

The Current Executive (2024-25)

 President Adrienne Kertzer
 Vice President Judy Hoad
 Secretary Audrey Habke
 Treasurer  Andrea Hawkes
 Past President  Barbara Decker Pierce 

Full Board and Bios click here


CALL makes decisions that reflect its mandate and are guided by a set of organizationally developed by-laws. To review these by-laws, click here

Committee Structure

For a chart of our committee structure click here

Attend a Meeting

The Board meets at10:00AM on the third Thursday of each month. Any member is invited to attend a Board meeting. Please email us at Executive to let us know that you would like to join us. We offer these Guidelines about joining board meetings.

For general inquiries email: info

Contact Us

For technical support email: webteam

Please read this disclaimer to be advised of CALL's policy with respect to the endorsement of opinions, products or services associated with CALL programming.


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