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World Events Discussion Group 2, Wednesdays *  Waitlist

First and third Wednesday of each month. 
1:00 - 3:00 pm 

2024:  May 1, 15; June 5, 19; July 3, 17;  Aug 7, 21; Sep 4, 18; Oct 2, 16; Nov 6, 20; Dec 4, 18
2025: Jan 15; Feb 5, 19; Mar 5, 19; Apr 2, 16; May 7, 21; Jun 4, 18

Marda Loop Community Centre, 3130 - 16th Street S.W.
Laurel-Anne Millis

To register* or for more information, please contact:

 Facilitator If no response: right click, copy email address & send manual email to register.

Registration is limited to 12 participants

**You must be a member of CALL to join.  Renew/Join

World Events Discussion Group 2 focuses exclusively on current world events*** and related background issues of a global nature. Members seek to broaden their knowledge and understanding about events and trends in all regions of the world. This takes place in a friendly, informal atmosphere.

Each member agrees to make a longer presentation (30 minutes) twice a year during the first half of the meeting. A recent world news event is selected, and the group is informed of the topic ahead of time by e-mail. Usually a couple of relevant articles or links and perhaps some questions for consideration are included. After the presentation, an open discussion is held. In the second half of the meeting, two short presentations (7 minutes each) on recent world events are given again followed by lively discussion.

Recent topics explored include:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Chatgpt
  • Putin
  • 3D
  • NATO
  • Re-wilding
  • Manosphere
  • Africa

*World Events Discussion Group 1, similar in nature, meets twice a month on Mondays. For more information, click here

*World Events Discussion Group 3 meets twice a month on Fridays. For more information, click here

World Events Discussion Group 4 meets once a month on Thursdays. For more information, click here

*** If you are interested more in Canadian and local current events, see the Current Events Discussion Group here

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