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Gallery and Artist Studio Visits in the Calgary Region 

 ** Accepting New Members  **

Calgary and region is host to a huge variety of dynamic, creative, art galleries and studios. From Contemporary Calgary and Glenbow at the Edison through to the Kiyooka installations and individual home studios, the CALL Gallery and Studio Tour group coordinates visits in and around our city. We will usually meet on Thursday mornings and participants may choose to come together for refreshments and conversation afterward viewings. Members will meet as opportunities arise and not necessarily on a regular basis. If you are already a member or on the waitlist you will receive notifications. In some cases registrations will be limited due to venue size restrictions.  To be added to the mailing list, please click on the blue Facilitator button below.

Facilitators:  Diane Devonshire and Diane Langston

Get added to the mailing list by clicking the email address above or by clicking on: Facilitator 

*Before you register, you must be a member of CALL.   Join/Renew

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