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Science and Environment

  • 03 Dec 2024
  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • online via Zoom


  • Free Event for Members


Water Security in Alberta

Canada is a water rich country relative to many parts of the world, but we are undergoing some of the most rapid changes in climate and water availability globally. Living in Alberta, we are one of the driest regions of Canada, known as the Palliser Triangle, and have been experiencing increasing drought frequency and duration exacerbated by exponential growth in demand. Ensuring adequate water security for future generations requires a complex interplay between understanding environmental change, economic growth projections, water law and policy and social determinants of human behaviour (i.e., consumption). In this presentation, I will discuss these issues, our changing Alberta water supply, and the considerations needed for a water secure future in the context of the most recent drought and water supply catastrophes.

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