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WHEREAS the Calgary Association of Lifelong Learners (“CALL”) is a registered educational charity carrying on nonprofit activities in the City of Calgary and elsewhere in the Province of Alberta for the benefit of its members and guests;

AND WHEREAS CALL organizes and carries on group events and/or activities such as hiking/walking, kite flying, square dancing, fly-fishing and other group events and/or activities;

THEREFORE as a strict condition and as consideration for CALL permitting me to participate in CALL events and/or activities, become a member of CALL, or renew my membership in CALL, and any interim renewal period during which I may participate in CALL events and/or activities, by paying for and submitting this application for membership or renewal of membership in CALL, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. There is risk involved in events and/or activities organized by CALL.

2. I commit to participating in CALL events and/or activities in a responsible manner.

3. I assume all risks and take full responsibility and waive and release any claims against CALL and/or its organizers, agents, officers, directors, servants and representatives (collectively, the “Releasees”) relating to personal injury, death, or damage to personal property associated with my participation in CALL events and/or activities, even if caused by the negligence of the Releasees or any of them.

4. I understand and confirm that I am forfeiting certain future legal rights and have been given the opportunity to consult with legal counsel of my choice, if I wish, before agreeing to this document.

5. I give this complete Waiver and Release of all liability, to the full extent of the law, voluntarily and without any inducement.

6. I have carefully read this Waiver and Release before paying my membership fee or renewal fee.

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Please read this disclaimer to be advised of CALL's policy with respect to the endorsement of opinions, products or services associated with CALL programming.


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