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Sustainability Matters: Calgary in Transition Syllabus

Session 1 (April 17): Where are We Going? The Long Wide View

Readings: Chapters 1, 2 and 14

Activity: Visual Explorer: Who Am I. What is my City?

Session 2 (April 24): How We Get Around

Readings: Chapters 6 and 7

Post-Session Homework: Imagine life without a car this week. Experience it.

Session 3 (May 1): Where Do We Grow from Here?

Readings: Chapters 3, 4 and 5

Post-Session Homework: Draft a Brief/Write to the Mayor on the Municipal Development Plan

Session 4 (May 8): Myth Busting: Fossil Fuels and Growth

Readings: Chapters 9 and 10

Post-Session Homework: Conversations with your kids/grandkids on Life After Oil

Session 5 (May 22): Justice, Fairness an Inclusion

Readings: Chapters 8 and 11

Post-Session Homework: How Much is Enough? Life Boat Economics Exercise

Session 6 (May 29): Governance, Democracy and The Sacred Trust

Readings: Chapters 12, 1 and 14

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